I am a passionate, high-achieving PhD student in CSE at the University of Michigan. My advisor is Rada Mihalcea, and I work in the LIT lab.
My primary research interests are Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning. I aspire to become a skilled applied AI/ML researcher to help democratize education and for societal good.
I have lived in Michigan my entire life and have a love for full-stack development and hackathons. Currently, I am supported by the Rackham Merit Fellowship.
Feel free to contact me through LinkedIn or at larnell@umich.edu!
Aug. 2024 - Present
PhD in Computer Science
Unweighted GPA: TBA
Fall 2020 - Winter 2024
BS in Computer Science with High Distinction
Unweighted GPA: 3.96/4.00
Fall 2018 - Summer 2020
Computer Science
Unweighted GPA: 3.99/4.00